Egg Farmers of Alberta
#BreakTheRules Campaign
Why can’t you have an omelet for lunch? Or scrambled eggs for dinner? Aren’t you an adult? You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. The “Break the Rules” campaign challenges all the normal behaviours that we follow, and empowers people to do what they like — including eating breakfast for dinner, making a cake for no reason or becoming the kind of person who whips up a meringue pie before noon.
Although the main goal is to turn eggs into an anytime food, the campaign presents freedom in the context of all kinds of other challenges to normalcy: wearing pajamas all day, sticking to your new year’s resolution for more than 2 days, or doing any combination of small #IdowhatIwant style rebellions.
The execution consists of four themed sub-set campaigns launched throughout 2020. It is tightly geotargeted to consumers in major markets in Alberta via branded articles on Daily Hive, programmatic display ads, Google Adwords, promoted posts on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as well as pre-roll on connected TVs and online. Each subset has a timely theme that is weaved within the #BreakTheRules umbrella.